Thursday, March 27, 2008

Waste not , want not - NOT

Ok, I confess! After my guests leave, sometimes while cleaning up, I will go through the 'leav'ins' in the wastebaskets!

Well, this is what I made from one wastebasket - thanks Lisa!
It is about 26" x 18". It had 3 squares already sewn together so it was easy. The outer border was the cut offs from too small of 3 squares. I still have more so I might just add a few more rows.
The Christmas quilt I cut up all the Christmas fabric that I could find in my stash and cut it into 1 and 1/2" strips x 7" (later squared up to 6"). Some of my long strips got a bit stretchy so I would recommend a foundation to sew to if anyone does this. Either that or count how many bars you have for each vertical strip and then cut it off there. Then add the sashing.
Next I am going to dye it either green or red. Someone at the retreat did this and it was so strikingly beautiful. So, there is the before picture! Wish me luck!
Better hit the hay - tomorrow is friday and I need to prep some meals ahead of time so I don't get so exhausted.
later, Patsy

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