Well I bit the bullet and ordered all new wheels for 18 chairs. That is 18 X 5 wheels each. Ouch! But they roll so quiet. I ordered them yesterday and I got them delivered today!! Yeah Office Max!! The original chairs came with wheels for carpet and it would just chew up the wax on the floor in no time. I didn't know about kinds of wheels till that happened. Well I just got the floor rewaxed again AND installed all new wheels. We'll see how long the wax lasts this time.
I hope you all won't be disappointed ~ you can't hear the chairs roll overhead any more. I use to use that sound as an alarm clock but NO more!
It was great fun sewing with my sister and sister in law. Thanks ladies ! Linda and Cindy ~ just a hayseed, plowboy.
Below, Carla made all of us aprons !! Thanks SIL ! Draw from the jar once a week and answer the question in your journal. This is for your grandchildren. Nice idea scrappers!!
Thanks to my brother, I have a new Camper Christmas light. I think I'm keeping this in the Shiny Bubble all year round. Thanks Ken!! Pin cushion of the week ~ scrapper's shoes. Maxi pad, I mean burp cloth.
These grandmother's flowergardens were only 1/4" across !! Enlarge the sister's pic above and take a look at the shoes!
In Feb 2005, we opened the doors to Homestead Cabin Retreat. A place where women come and sew on their latest (or oldest) quilting creations. Come join us, either online or in person. The greatest Quilt Retreat in the "Middle of No Where"