Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sorryful Blessing

Greener pastures and open skies.

Today my brother Jerry finished his journey here on this earth.
He was just 66 years old and loved the outdoors. (Jerry front left gray sweatshirt)
Jerry seated on Right. Mom+Dad(gone now)Betty + Nancy seated. Back row is Bill, Me Patsy and Ken.

He took over the family farm many years ago and retired from milking cows a few years ago.
If you know farmers, they can never completely retire, so he worked
at a neighbors farm since then.

He leaves behind a loving wife, two loving daughters, and four loving grandkids.

Three sisters, and two brothers and his Mom of 94 yrs.
He went to join another brother and Pa in heaven.
Cancer strikes quickly but our memories of Jerry will live on forever.
Be at peace Bro. I love you.

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