Tuesday, July 26, 2011

6th Sisters Weekend 2011

The 2011 group of Sisters who had lots of fun this weekend.
Hough Sisters
McCauley Sisters
Carson Sisters
Nancy + I did Avacado facial masks for a 'treat'.

The Hankemeier Sisters + Carla is our Sister in law

Kelly Sisters
All RED heads - some not related.

A vintage top I readied for quilting.
Angels for charity

Cover up insignia with fabric circle on shopping bags
A wedding gift for my cook - clothespin bag made out of a dresser scarf
Who's HOT ?

Sister stain

scrapping it up and sewing too
angels for a great cause - alzheimers
a park bench home'stead' person
Cindy K's quilt backing
Celebration about a tough road with a ragged cake