Ahhhhhhhh. THIS is GOD's Country !! A wonderful retreat for ME !! We drove 4 hours for my 'Up North'.

This woman is responsible for
BOW (Becoming Outdoor Women). Christine Thomas started this program 20 yrs ago in Treehaven (Tomahawk WI) and now 40 states and some in Canada and New Zealand all have them too. She is the Dean at the Stevens Point UW now, returning for the 20th Reunion Year of BOW. Glad I was a part of it. Loved it!!

Here is our Fly Fishing class fresh out of the river. Teachers on on far right ends of both rows.
Nancy Rose one instructor was a hoot. She had to curb her language for our class due to filming by a television crew all day. We each received a string of pearls for 'graduating'.

My chain saw class with instructor on back left. He was a professional logger and was very patient with all of us. He claimed he loved teaching women because they listened to him. Men usually come with bad sawing habits and do it 'their way'. :D

The dorm room where we stayed. We had our own in room bathroom. Nice

Me in my gun safety class taught here by Diane. A lecturer at Stevens Point University of WI.

A cord wood garden shed w/ occasional wine bottles in mortar. (potting shed)

One of many chipmunks outside. They get quite close to humans almost running through your legs.