My Featured Pattern Designers:
Meet Belinda and Jan from DesMoines, Iowa. Yes, I mentioned these sisters a bit yesterday, but they have their own story to tell. About 4 years ago, they joined talents and began marketing their own pattern line. What I thought unique and special about their patterns was that you get directions and specifics for all different sized quilts. You don't have to stop and do the math to make a king from a throw sized pattern. Isn't that fabulous? For us non-math folks it is (me). Below is the
Rhapsody pattern with little pinwheel centers.
Besides all that, most of their patterns give different ways to set the blocks so you might have 3 different arrangements which totally change the look. All from one pattern. The appliqued center quilt below is the Summer Blues pattern.
Check out their website to learn more about them and where you can find their patterns. They also do mail order. They didn't have all their samples with them, but take a look at these. 
The red/cream/blue above and this white and light blue quilt is made from the Tilt-a-whirl pattern.

This one is monkey something. Don't you love what she did to the back?

This is
Jefferson Township.
and this is Square Dance.
Thanks for looking. Contact these designers and show them your support.